Youth Member Chosen To Represent WI At National Event

Rock Energy youth member, Emma Steinke was recently chosen to serve as the Wisconsin State Representative at NRECA’s Power Xchange, which will take place in San Antonio, TX, in March 2024. Emma will be a junior this fall at Milton High School and says for her future plans she hopes to work for an electrical cooperative with a focus on renewable or sustainable energy.


Emma Steinke (front) is pictured here with two of her fellow tour participants (behind) on the 2023 Washington D.C. Youth Tour.

PowerXchange is the largest gathering of electric cooperative leaders, designed to embrace the challenges of our ever-changing industry and cultivate future-focused thinkers. Through general sessions headlined by nationally renowned leaders, educational breakout sessions and interactive learning sessions, PowerXchange is THE place where cooperative leaders come together to share ideas, strategies and best practices while casting their vote on future-focused issues.

It was been a busy summer for Emma, as she participated in the Washington D.C. Youth Tour in June and in the Youth Leadership Conference in July, representing Rock Energy Cooperative at both events. Emma has also participated on the Youth Co-op Board (as a board member alternate) for the past year.


Above are the Wisconsin Youth Delegates on the 2023 tour at the Capital in Washington D.C.

“My favorite memory from the trip would be meeting very knowledgeable people, from tour guides to legislators,” Emma said of the Youth Tour. “I’ve learned that if you ask one question, they can talk for as long as you let them! I learned a lot about the Battle of Manassas, Ironclads, and the Wisconsin legislature. I also loved getting to know the other youth board members!”

“I’d like to thank Rock Electric Cooperative for choosing me as a delegate and sponsoring my trip,” Emma continued. “I’m excited to share the benefits of this trip with other eligible high schoolers! I await delivering a speech to REC as State Representative in the future. Once again, thank you Rock Electric Cooperative for your kindness and generosity. I’m so grateful for the WECA and REC’s strong youth outreach programs and the opportunities they provide.”