Rock Energy Wins Wisconsin Statewide Magazine Awards


PICTURED: Wisconsin Energy Cooperative News Editor Dana Kelroy, left, presents two awards of excellence to Jonas Berberich, Rock Energy Cooperative’s Communications Manager.

Rock Energy Cooperative recently won two awards of excellence for presentation of local news in the Wisconsin Energy Cooperative News, the voice of the state’s rural electric cooperatives. Rock Energy Cooperative’s magazine pages were judged to be the best overall in the category of Photography for the previous year. In addition, Rock Energy earned an Honorable Mention award in the category of Human Interest. 

Jonas Berberich, Communications Manager at Rock Energy Cooperative, serves as the editor of the co-op’s local pages within the magazine. Awards were presented at the 2023 Communication Power Conference in Spring Green August 24.

Founded in 1940, the Wisconsin Energy Cooperative News focuses on statewide issues that affect electric cooperatives, promoting the general welfare of Wisconsin’s electric cooperatives, their member-owners, and the areas they serve. Nineteen electric cooperatives throughout the state are responsible for their own local sections within the magazine, which reaches 152,000 mailboxes each month.

Every month, Rock Energy generates four pages of content specifically for its members. These pages are featured in every monthly issue of Wisconsin Energy Cooperative News. Rock Energy's pages contain a wide-range of information, including energy-saving tips, feature stories, event-specific details, and other articles. Many of the photos and articles are taken and written by Rock Energy's communications department.

To view Rock Energy's archive of local pages, CLICK HERE.

Rock Energy is always on the look-out for interesting and insightful member feature stories, so if you have any ideas/suggestions, please let us know! You can email Jonas Berberich with your ideas at